Temple Trip

Saturday July 18 I got the opportunity to go to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple with our ward. I woke up at 5:00 and we left at 6:15 it wasn't that bad waking up that early. We set off about 6:30. On the way up it was so fun we watched the movie, Bedtime stories, its a really cute movie. When we got there we had to wait about 30 minuets to get in. It was so beautiful inside and outside the temple. You had this amazing feeling when you walked in the doors. Outside the temple it looked so small but you walk in its huge. My favorite rooms were the sealing rooms and the celectrial room. It was so pretty.

When we got out of the temple we went to Golden Coral. That was so much fun I ate so much. The first place I went to was the meat place. Then next I went to the fruit place all you can eat baby! The watermelon wasn't so good though is was kind of blah, and so was the cantaloupe. That's fine because they had strawberries and then a bunch of people got chocolate and dipped the strawberries in the chocolate to make chocolate strawberries. Then to the ice cream i got a twist chocolate and vanilla that was pretty good. That food was so good.

After Golden Coral we went to the Jordan River temple to do Baptisms for the dead. That was a good experience too. I have never
had to double suit before so it was really weird at first. Then they had four boys and four girls go in and sit on separate benches. Then after you got baptized you had to just rinse off the chlorine and then put on the dry suits and get confirmed. Then after that you go and get ready and sit there and wait for everyone else. It was really different compared to the Manti Temple.
After we went to do Baptizms our car went to the mall. And we had a contest thing but it didn't turn out to be a contest. We were going to try to just go up to some random guy and hold is hand then you would look at him and be like Oh i'm sorry wrong person. All of us were too scared to do that so we just went to go talk to cute guys and that kind of work. Laurel got the worst part of the deal. She got a guy who had two lip earings, it was so funny. I saw this group of cute guys and I got someone to come with me. We kept trying to get there attention, but the stupid kids would just look at us and keep walking, personaly I don't blame them. But then we saw these two boys and they were really cute one and a green shirt on and one had a orange shirt with a white hat, they were both pretty cute. We talked to them for awhile and then we stopped cause we had to go, it was really funny. We all had a blast.